Jeff Hube

Penguin Panic

Penguin Panic is a game that I developed in less than two days for the "We <3 Games" event at RIT. The objective is to avoid the obstacles while collecting fish for extra points. Over time, the player’s movement speed and the number of obstacles increase.


I developed Penguin Panic from scratch in less than two days using C# and XNA Game Studio 4.0. The world geometry is procedurally generated along a random Catmull-Rom spline. Obstacles and collectables are placed randomly along the spline. A wireframe and above-view of the generated geometry is shown below.

The player (penguin) must move from side to side to avoid oncoming rocks. Points are accumulated based on the player’s speed. Colliding with a rock will cause the player to lose a life, slow down, and become invulnerable for a couple of seconds. The player can collect snowflakes for extra lives, and fish for extra points. As time passes, player’s movement speed and the number of obstacles increase. Scores are tracked on a high score table.
